Topic outline

    • TESLA Virtual Summer School on RF High-Power Effects (July 2021)

      To understand the high-power effects of RF components to be used in next-generation high-frequency space communications systems: such as RF discharges (multipactor and corona), power-handling and passive intermodulation (PIM) effects. To be aware of the main characterization techniques.

    • Organisation

      The School will extend for 5 sessions in total (each session, based on talks, are 4 hours maximum in the morning)

       Day 1: July 05th at 09:00 (GMT+2)

      Introduction and Basic Concepts (RF High Power Effects: Practical Aspects) - Prof. Vicente Boria (UPV)

      Introduction to RF High Power Breakdown Effects and PIM ESA and ESTEC Test-Centre Facility - Mr. David Raboso (ESA - ESTEC)

      Day 2: July 06th at 09:00 (GMT+2)

      Introduction to SEY: Theory, Models and Design Considerations - Prof. Pablo Soto (UPV)

      ESA-VSC European High Power Space Materials Laboratory - Dr. Rafael Mata (UVEG - VSC)

       Day 3: July 07th at 09:00 (GMT+2)

      CST STUDIO Suite (FEST3D, SPARK3D and CST Particle Studio): EM-based Software Tools for Modeling and Prediction of Multipactor and Corona Effects - Dr. Carlos Vicente (Dassault Systemes España SLU)

      AURORA SOFTWARE & TESTING (AURORASAT): History and Evolution - Dr. Jordi Gil (Dassault Systemes España SLU)

      Practical Examples of RF Breakdown (Multipactor Effect) Modelling of Microwave Components with Commercial Tools - Dr. Carlos Alcaide (UPV) and Dr. Javier Ossorio (VSC)

       Day 4: July 08th at 09:00 (GMT+2)

      RF High Power Breakdown Effects Testing - Mr. Òscar Monerris (VSC)

      Passive Intermodulation (PIM) Measurements (multicarrier scenarios) - Mr. Davide Smacchia (VSC)

      Day 5: July 09th at 09:00 (GMT+2)

      VSC RF High Power Testing Facilities - Mr. David Argilés (UPV)